Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nailing it !! :-)

There are many things we take for granted while we live in our motherland, carpenters and handymen definitely being one of them ! Well, easier said than done when you are not living on home turf !

If you are an art lover, then you will understand the 'urgency' behind wanting to see something from your collection up on the wall. And why would it not be a contender for the top bullet on your 'to-do' list ! You have after all, spent the past few weeks staring at different corners of the house, studying the wall space from different angles, agonising over the correct height, sleeping with the inch-tape clenched in the fist and so on and so forth ! And then at last, when you've zeroed in on 'the' spot, you face the real challenge of 'nailing it'!

'Challenge number one'- Koreans love their silk, and wallpaper here is more precious to them than anything else. So the thought of putting up a frame on the wall was nothing short of blasphemy ! Then once we dealt with the demons in our head and 'convinced' ourselves that the painting deserves pride of place, came 'Challenge number two': finding a guy to give it that honoured seat !

'Is it really such a pressing need?', asks the better half. The answer is obviously and unquestionably, the affirmative ! And so a much distressed husband sets off to identify the (not-so-handy)man for the job. After many frustrating conversations in 'Eng-Kor', he does get hold of one such chap. And our friend lands up at the 'scene of the crime' with a hammer in his hand, no measuring tape (what's that??!!) a few nails and a 'you've-gone-nuts-for-doing-this' look on his face ! So it was with a prayer in the heart and a love for 'approximate measures' that the piece of art was given its much deserved place on the wall.

And whenever I see it up on the wall, the thought of fighting 'tooth-hammer-drillmachine-and nail' comes back to my mind and I beam for having emerged victorious in this battle! And for all my readers in India, do offer the 'society-wallah carpenter' a royal seat in your living room the next time, for he totally deserves being the VIP that he is ! Wink.


  1. Hilarious !! The situation is no better here as well . Totally agree ;)

    1. :-) I knew you would be able to relate to it Pallavi

  2. I agree on all accounts! My man Friday knows that he is so honoured & important man around the apartment especially, in mine where some or the other nail being struck/ removed every other week. He is treated better than my immediate family for sure!

    1. Yes indeed, they deserve that bit of extra gratitude !

  3. Great going Karishma....
    Upload the pic......I so want to see that wall of your house.....

  4. Loved this post........I can relate to every word you've put down here Karishma. You cracked me up girl;)

    1. Hehe, the plight of all expats ! Thanks so much Sruthi, so glad you enjoyed it :-)
